Sunday, May 1, 2011

A very brief introduction to anthropology

So what the hell is anthropology, anyway? It is the comprehensive study of humans. It's better than other disciplines that study humans because it isn't narrowly focused on just biology or behavior or putting people in neat little boxes. And yes, I'm completely biased about that. Deal with it.

When people ask what I do and I say that I'm an anthropologist, the typical response is, "Oh, that's cool!  . . .  What is that again? Is that like rocks or dinosaurs or something?" Although this has greatly contributed to my bruxism, I just smile sweetly and tell them that no, I study people. Usually dead ones.

Speaking of things I do and don't do: I don't have a fully realized vision of this blog yet, but my plan at present is that it will be a place for me to discuss and rant about all things anthropological. All comments, ideas, praise, and general bitching are welcome.